1 On Cal'vry's hill of sorrow Where sin's demands were paid, And rays of hope for tomorrow Across our path were laid. I see a crimson stream of blood, It flows from Calvary, Its waves which reach the throne of God, Are sweeping over me. 2 Today no condemnation Abides to turn away My soul from His salvation, He's in my heart to stay. 3 When gloom and sadness whisper You've sinned, no use to pray, I look away to Jesus, And He tells me to say: 4 And when we reach the portal Where life forever reigns, The ransomed hosts grand final, Will be this glad refrain.yạ ạllh mn mtẖlk yạ knysẗ hlhly Найкраща Країна Christ triomphe yạ ạ̉bwnạ yạlly fy ạlsmạ Táńirge rahmet aıtatyn jónim kl rkbẗ swf tnḥny̱ Ей Танръм Сенсин Հանուն Հոր և Որդվո և Հոգվույն Սրբո เมื่อเราได้มาอยู่ร่วมกัน
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