If My people which are called by My name Shall humble themselves shall humble themselves and pray If My people which are called by My name Shall seek My face and turn from their wicked ways Then will I hear from heaven Then will I hear from heaven Then will I hear and will forgive forgive their sin I will forgive their sin I will forgive their sin I will forgive their sin And heal their landMen Xudoning bolasi إوعى تنسى إني معاك سلمت أمري في يديك lạ̹lhnạ bnʿd ṭryq اغفر لنا گۈل بوستاندىن مسيحي للأرض جيت mn ly swạk yḥmyny̱ yạ ạ̉bạnạ Кәл, кәл, кәл
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