In majesty He will come With the sound of the trumpet To claim the redeemed In majesty He will come Jesus the Savior eternal King Every knee in heaven and earth will bow To this most Holy One In majesty He will come Born of a mighty God Sent from His heavenly throne Given to reign over kings and priests The sins of man to atone The Messiah will return The hour unknownto men A fanfare of praise will inhabit the earth As creation rejoices in Himtʿlyq 1 Riposo WAKE WAKE مبارك الملك الآتي Станем смиренными в Господе Tanrı kurtuluşumuzdur Я опускаюсь на колени Muqaddas Ruh 02 Слава, Бога майго зьзяе yạmạ wqft
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