I'm waiting for the day when I will thirst no more Fore your mercy to make me whiter than the snow My eyes fail me I can't see you I'm looking for you Lord I am weeping and fasting Lord bring me back my joy when my prayers return to me unanswered When I find the world has pushed me far When my spirit grows faint within me It is He who knows my way My soul trust the Lord for he strengthens me Sing of His unfailing love for me Though I walk in the midst of trouble He preserves my life He watches over the ones He lovesWalau 'Ku Daki Gunung Yang Tinggi من غير مقابل Ma che bravo! Сүнснийхээ галыг QÜVVƏTİM ZƏİFLİKDƏDİR نرفع أجنحة كالنسور Көктөм жамгыр төгүлүп кайра мына Igéd a fegyverem Даим дуа един, Рəббимиз дејир lmạ yṣly sẖʿbk
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