Jesus came, the heav'ns adoring, Came with peace from realms on high; Jesus came for man's redemption, Lowly came on earth to die. Alleluia! Alleluia! Came in deep humility. Jesus comes again in mercy, When our hearts are bowed with care; Jesus comes again in answer To an earnest, heartfelt prayer; Alleluia! Alleluia! Comes to save us from despair. Jesus comes to hearts rejoicing, Bringing news of sins forgiv'n; Jesus comes in sounds of gladness, Leading souls redeemed to Heav'n; Alleluia! Alleluia! Now the gate of death is riv'n. Jesus comes in joy and sorrow, Shares alike our hopes and fears; Jesus comes, whate'er befalls us, Glads our hearts, and dries our tears; Alleluia! Alleluia! Cheering e'en our failing years. Jesus comes on clouds triumphant, When the heav'ns shall pass away; Jesus comes again in glory; Let us then our homage pay, Alleluia! Alleluia! Till the dawn of endless day.Creo en la Biblia Chodźże do źródła żywota Tak stále láskavý msẖtạq ʿlyk Kekuatan Serta Penghiburan Чаши Гнева Když Pán Ježíš zdávna عالموضة mạ ạ̉mjd ạsmk تىنچىم كەتىپ، شەكتەنىپ، قايعىرعاندا
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