Jesus, God's righteousness revealed, The Son of Man, the Son of God, His Kingdom come. Jesus, redemption's sacrifice, Now glorified, now justified His Kingdom come. And this Kingdom will know no end, And it's glory shall know no bounds. For the majesty and power Of this Kingdom's King has come. And this Kingdom's reign, And this Kingdom's rule, And this Kingdom's power and authority Jesus, God's righteousness revealed. Jesus, the expression of God's love, The Grace of God, the Word of God, revealed to us. Jesus, God's holiness displayed, Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom come. And this Kingdom will know no end, And it's glory shall know no bounds. For the majesty and power Of this Kingdom's King has come. And this Kingdom's reign, And this Kingdom's rule, And this Kingdom's power and authority Jesus, God's righteousness revealed. Jesus, God's righteousness revealed. Jesus, God's righteousness revealedạ̉ḥbbtny Città nuova Любовь лишь войдет Ты то чем я дышу В последний же великий день праздника msẖ hạtrạjʿ Dunia Kedinginan Котькуд адями лыктэ та дуннее Радвайте се братя! Lascia che sia luce
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