1- Jesus my lord ,my savior god I come to you today With thanks and praise for all you're a ways Which all your works display In righteousness, in perfect love You paid the debt I owed Thus lord I give throughout my day The worship of my heart 2-Come soon oh lord and take us home We long to see your face With rapture will each heart be filled To fully taste of grace You promised lord that you will come And call us all away Thus lord we wait with hopeful hearts That this will be the dayТүнекте жүрдім адасып жолдан Верным истине святой sẖkrạaⁿ yạ yswʿ أنت جوه القلب ساكن В Боге - милость. Он - прощает! Rab'bin Gayreti Umučený Kristus Pán Ushamyn kóktegi ǵaryshqa Слава Всевышнему Богу Менде жаша
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