Jesus we celebrate Your victory Jesus we revel in Your love Jesus we rejoice You've set us free Jesus Your death has brought us life It was for freedom that Christ has set us free No longer to be subject to a yoke of slavery So we're rejoicing in God's victory Our hearts responding to His love His Spirit in us releases us from fear The way to Him is open With boldness we draw near And in His presence our problems disappear Our hearts responding to His loveҮнэнч Та В Твоём присутствии kẖdnạ ʿly̱ jbl ʿạly̱ Мислете за дом горе там Duhul Domnului este putere اختبرني يا الله 为什么不走出那城 Ty jesteś skałą mḥtạj lṣwtk Закрою я свои глаза
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