Jesus paid the price for us Gave himself, a sacrifice To reconcile us back to God He shed his blood upon the cross Khalas Khalas The battle's won Khalas Khalas Yes death is beaten! Khalas Khalas Sin's overcome Khalas Khalas Salvation's work is done! Rescued and redeemed forgiven Now we are free from condemnation From Satan's power we have been saved When Jesus rose up from the grave! // It is finished! // Salvations work is doneЭсингдаму Раббим Худа Il Signor è in mezzo a noi dẖkṣwlwjyẗ kyhk sẖkraⁿạ lḥbk Восхвалю я имя Бога моего с песнею 024-Město You Must Increase Şükür sana, şükür sana Senin Yolculuğunda zhǔ a nǐ ài xiàng chūn léi
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