Your face outshines the brightest sun Jesus, You're glorious, You are so glorious With eyes that blaze like burning fire Jesus, You're glorious, You are so glorious Chorus: King of Glory, have your glory King of Glory, have your glo - ry Verse: 2 Your voice like rushing waters sounds Jesus, You're powerful, You are so powerful And in Your hands You hold the stars Jesus, You're powerful, You are so powerfulO ce veste imbucuratoare ʿmr ạltlmydẖ НЕ, НЕ МОГА ДА СПРА ДА ТЕ ХВАЛЯ TO THE WORK Santo Degno تاڭ اتقاندا ويعونۇپ، سەنى چاقىرام مثل عظيم رحمتك พระเจ้าข้านมัสการ Воспойте о славе небес На Голгофу на распятье
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