Let the glory of the Lord rise among us. Let the glory of the Lord rise among us. Let the praises of the King rise among us; let it rise. Let the songs of the Lord rise among us. Let the songs of the Lord rise among us. Let the joy of the King rise among us; let it rise. Oh - oh - oh, let it rise. Oh - oh - oh, let it rise. Let the glory of the Lord rise among us. Let the glory of the Lord rise among us. Let the praises of the King rise among us; let it rise. Let the songs of the Lord rise among us. Let the songs of the Lord rise among us. Let the joy of the King rise among us; let it rise. Oh - oh - oh, let it rise. Oh - oh - oh, let it rise.Alleluja Lève tes yeux et contemple.. ạllh qd kẖlṣtnạ Áldott az Úr a szentélyben sẖʿby yạ rb bynạdy إرحمنا Ó, jak je to utěšené Благословлю Тебя в земле изобилия Te pido la Paz tsbyḥ bdf
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