1- While passing thro' this world of sin, and others your life shall view, Be clean and pure without, within; Let others see Jesus in you. Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you. Keep telling the story, be faithful and true; Let others see Jesus in you. 2. Your life's a book before their eyes, They're reading it thro' and thro' Say, does it point them to the skis, Do others see Jesus in you? 3. Then live for Christ both day and night, Be faithful, be brave and true, and lead the lost to life and Christ. Let others see Jesus in you.Тойлайық Құдайдың халқы! Oh Let The Son - Music Сила моя в Иисусе Христе Мусаның айдымы Тəсвиредилмəз Ний сме ратници Христови Холода и морозы كيف نلاقى يسوع Варми сенин гибиси Горы сдвинутся
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