Lift up your heads, O you gates, Swing wide you everlasting doors Lift up your heads, O ye gates Swing wide you everlasting doors That the King of glory may come in That the King of glory may come in That the King of glory may come in That the King of glory may come in Up from the dead He ascends Through every rank of heavenly power Let heaven prepare the highest place Throw wide the everlasting doors With trumpet blast and shouts of joy All heaven greets the risen King With angel choirs come line the way Throw wide the gates and welcome HimDobrorečíme ti Bože Иса Беним Достумдур Gloria a Dio Nad horami ráno nové Ateş gibi Ey Allahım, Allahım sạ̉lwdẖ bḥḍnk Tvá, Pane, Kriste, věc to jest Da Israel ved babels flod Он Царь
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