Jesus, You are high above, seated on the throne of grace. Angels serve You day and night. So why am I still here below, surrounded by the darkest foe ready for another fight? I know I was in You before the world was ever formed before the Devil made us fall. So you had a plan to send Your only Son to die The only way to bring me home. Oh Lord, come soon I am so tired of waiting. Come, take me home. My heart is aching to see You, come soon. You are The First, You are The Last Same today as in the past. Jehovah, You're The Great I Am. The One Who made the Sun to shine, spoke and water became wine. And still you let me be your friend. You didn't leave me comfortless, but sent The Holy Ghost that changed me from the inside out. Working of my life to make me perfect in Your sight Ready for the final flight.Всё в этом мире оставляет след Гелин, гелин сиз беним олун تراك 12 عايزينك يا يسوع Sadáme s vďačnosťou Հավատարիմ,Հզոր Աստված ạfrḥy yạ nfsy Воскресіння День Han grep meg 往事悠悠
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