Lord Jesus, think on me And purge away my sin; From earthborn passions set me free And make me pure within. Lord Jesus, think on me, With many'a care oppressed; Let me Thy loving servant be And taste Thy promised rest. Lord Jesus, think on me Amid the battle's strife; In all my pain and misery Be Thou my Health and Life. Lord Jesus, think on me Nor let me go astray; Through darkness and perplexity Point Thou the heav'nly way. Lord Jesus, think on me When floods the tempest high; When on doth rush the enemy, O Savior, be Thou nigh!Le ali della speranza qlby dạymạaⁿ yfrḥ Дай мне сказать просто я не могу молчать trnym trnym trnym Жарияла Исаның жеңісін Сөјлəјирəм, динлə мəни, бөјүк Рəббим севҝисини Tany Betlehema fahiny Krstení vodou Знаете это же чудо Tuhan, Kasihani
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