From the ends of the earth, (girls echo) From the depths of the sea, (girls echo) From the heights of the heavens, (girls echo) Your name be praised! From the cries of the weak, (girls echo) And the shouts of the strong, (girls echo) From the lips of all people, (girls echo) This song we raise, Lord! Throughout the endless ages You will be crowned with praises, Lord Most High! Exalted in every nation, Sovereign o'er all creation, Lord Most High, be magnified!jạylk tạyb nạdm Áldás, hála Päť studní je, z nich spasenie, pokoj, radosť, život, moc ku mne tečie ustavične Һəјатыма Сəн Ҝəлдин rby rạʿy wslạmy О Аллахъм, артък билийом Cuan Firme Cimiento ạ̉nạ lk Muqaddasdur, Muqaddasdur Noming Tu sei l'agnel
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