Do me a favour, come down to the shore with me I know it's your favourite program on tv Never mind, it was just something I'd like you to see It comes with the full moon You just have to know where to be,... when and how And then you will see That you're standing in the middle of night and day As the moon rises the sun fades away And you're standing in the middle of night and day Dawn and dusk ... hold hands .... Their fingers ... slightly touch, only touch ... Right here where I stand It's an old myth, they say That night is chased by the day And that somehow, somewhere in the future they'll meet Now they do But only for fractions of seconds, for moments in dreams What would happen if night and day should marry (kort tussenspel) Do me a favour, come down to the shore with me I know it's your favourite program on TV Never mind, it was just something I'd like you to seeNaintea Ta Isus iubit Młodzieży, czy ci smutno Лайықсың Иса! โอพระบิดาในมหาสวรรค์ Ich weiss dass mein Erlöser lebt إنني ربي رضاك sẖhwẗ qlby Il mio canto เชื่อเถิดเท่านั้น Láskavý Otče náš
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