I will bless the Lord forever I will trust Him at all times He has delivered me from all fear He has set my feet upon a rock I will not be moved And I'll say of the Lord You are my shield, my strength My portion, deliverer My shelter, strong tower My very present help in time of need Whom have I in heaven but You There's none I desire besides You You have made me glad And I'll say of the LordЫйык Рухуңду мол төгүп lnạ ạ̹lh yḥbnạ Возвожу я очи к небесам O, Qudaı Iem! Там където Духът е Господ ạ̉ḥbk mʿny̱ kl wjwd Куртар Бени Když zvolna slunce zapadá عايز أرتل بس بقوة Oh! quel bonheur de le connaître
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