Make known the riches of Your glory Make known the power of Your grace Use me to show the world Your greatness Send me to demonstrate Your love Nothing can separate me from unfailing love Nothing can ever take me from Your faithful arms, And here I rejoice, in You, I rejoice Jesus, hung dying and rejected Such love displayed for all to see And O, it makes me bow in wonder To know You conquered death for me, for me You work all things for my good And for Your glory, for Your gloryРадость yswʿ nrfʿ ạ̹smk Кто подобен Тебе Áldott az Úr a szentélyben O mej ojczyźnie chcę śpiewać wciąż لإلهنا بنعد طريق Vieni deh torna Али, Нердесин? Севгим Олмаса Как дивна велика любовь Твоя
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