PART 1: "Past Life" Memories of a past life a long time ago When letters and numbers were and spread in my mind Mine the age of the first friend, first toys, first moments There was not even a smile waiting for me A caress was stronger than a clap Kicks and sticks mates of life Shaking hands should mean trust But sounded like deceit to me Loneliness, humiliation, violence, sadness My ghosts everlasting friends At night, thank to the dark my eye didn't watch my executioner Thank night, you gave me dreams different from my reality PART 2: "Kids don't forget" Inside of me ghosts of my past Inside of me memories of the pain Everything turns around my past life Everything doesn't let me go on and further In my present I only see my past In my present I know I got stuck Open are my wounds Kids don't forget Closed in a box my hope Kids don't forget My eyes unique testimonies Hate! Anger! Revenge! Are the only way out Open up my present Shut down my past Hate! Anger! Revenge! Hate! Anger! Revenge! PART 3: "No more fear" Then a new mentality, a new nature You are by my side, friend forever My decisions are in my hands now My destiny starts from here, whit you Don't have to belong to my past Don't have to get stuck in my present Open the box of my hope Closed are my wounds Memories are still there but pain is over A new identity will achieve I can see myself abused but healed now A new way of thinking Not afraid to be a husband Not afraid to be a father No nore hate, no more fears I know how to forgive주 앞에 Sem, dcéra sionská Радость пришла открылось моё сердце KALVARY ạlrb wʿdnạ wwʿdh ạ̉myn يا مليكي لولاك Abba, My Father Хер Шейин Кайнаъ انا مهما بعدت Танга ором
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