Saints of all the ages that's gone by, Longed to see this happ'ning in their time, But they died in faith anticipating for the day, Which is GOING ON now, In this finishing hour. Chorus There was a midnight cry: The Bridegroom's drawing nigh! There will be a rapture In the twinkling of an eye. Come, trim the lamp of your heart now, Let the Love of Christ shine bright in you Let His Life in you abide - Jesus Christ is revealed in His Bride. Darkness holds the world in deadly grip, People's hearts are in religious sleep, But there's a holy and elected nation pure and right, For the harvest is ripe, Fields are ready and white. The glorious and spotless, sinless Bride Ready to be standing by His side She is given the fine linen of righteousness of saints, The perfection of Christ Can be seen in their lives. How we cherish the Message from God! Let us sing a new song to the Lord It's a sign to all the nations The Divine manifestation, For we have a revelation - who we are.zhǔ měi dāng wǒ sī xiǎng nǐ Если сердце болит в груди hlm flnslk 我们团聚在这里 الدعوة Eki myń jyldaı erterek 靠主今天活的潇洒 Pojď, právě je ten čas jej chválit V naší škole في الأفق
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