Ah paradise my home with God when shall I come to thee? When shall my sorrows have an end? Your joys when shall I see? Oh happy harbor of the saints, oh sweet and pleasant soil, In Thee no sorrow may be found, no grief, no care no toil My hope in God, I have life eternal My hope in God, He suffered for me My hope in God, I can have tomorrow My hope in God, yes my hope in God There lust and hatred can not dwell, there envy holes, no sway There is no hunger, pain, no tears, but pleasure in every way. Ah paradise my home with God when shall I come to thee? When shall my sorrows have an end? Thy joys when shall I see? My hope in God, I have life eternal My hope in God, He suffered for me My hope in God, I can have tomorrow My hope in God, yes my hope in AodРадоваться будем все Unzione fresca 献上你虔诚的祈祷 Каждый миг и каждый час ạlmjd fy ạlạ̉ʿạly Иса'нън Адънъ الرب قد ملك لبس الجلال Славьте народы Иисуса Христа! Naplňuj mne Duchem No Basta
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