I am not skilled to understand What God has willed, what God has planned I only know at his right hand Stands one who is my Savior I take him at His word and deed Christ died to save me: this I read And in my heart I find a need Of Him to be my Savior That He would leave His place on high And for sinful man to die You count it strange, so once did I Before I knew my Savior My Savior Loves, my Savior Lives My Savior's always there for me My God; He was, my God; He is My God; is always gonna be Yes, living, dying: let me bring My Strength, my solace from this spring That He who lives to be my King Once died to be my Savior My Savior Loves, my Savior Lives My Savior's always there for me My God; He was, my God; He is My God; is always gonna beЛюблю я Церковь ту что сам Христом создал 谁是我的弟兄谁是我的母亲 Господь послал нам Иисуса إذ دخلت قدسك Apar Rәbbim Je suis petit, mais.. Подойди помоги поддержи ربنا طول عمرك ạ̉ḥmdk mn kl qlby Libertà
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