My song shall be of Jesus, His Mercy crowns my days He fills my cup with blessings and tunes my heart to praise My song shall be of Jesus the precious Lamb of God Who gave Himself my ransom and bought me with His blood My song shall be of Jesus, while sitting at His feet He calls to mind His goodness, and makes my joy complete; My song shall be of Jesus, whatever ills befall, I'll sing the grace that saves me, and triumphs over all. My song shall be of Jesus, when pressing on my way To where my home shines glorious in pure and perfect day. And when my soul shall enter the many mansions fair, A song of praise to Jesus I'll sing forever there.rạjʿ lyk qlby ʿṭsẖạn Наслаждаюсь Тобой 在我的身边有一个篱笆 A chi griderò bnḥbkm .. bḥb yswʿ Бог добрий Гори! Свети! Sai tu dirmi lm ạ̉kẖf ḥznaⁿạ О Рəблə ки, раһəт олурам, мəн Она хитабəм
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