The alarm clock rings in the morning tired just can't get out of bed you're finding life's not so easy tons of problems right on your back you get the 8 o'clock train and (not easy) read bad news in the paper (not easy) you're running ten minutes late what a bad day to start the day, yeah! It's all right, just go on God never leaves you alone! When you get home that day kids are crying and bills to pay you smile and try to feel better but alone you can't win the game your dreams have faded away (not easy) you were always a winner (not easy) you can't count on your strength and you feel like you can't go on Don't give up, just go on He'll never leave you alone! Even when you are feeling blue He'll take care of you when your problems bring you down don't let your face frown even when you feel that you can't make it on your own He'll never leave you alone Go to bed, turn the light off hug your wife think of things to say lots of miles walked together many blessings you've seen each day life's not easy you know (not easy) talk to God you'll feel better (feel better) feel that peace in your heart that sends all of those clouds away It's OK, just walk He'll never leave you alone Even when you are feeling blue He'll take care of you when your problems bring you down don't let your face frown Accept the things you cannot change and call onto your God He'll never leave you alone! Let's go It's all right, just go on when you are weak He's so strong Don't give up, just go on when you are weak He's so strong Jesus, He'll be right by your side Jesus, He'll never leave you alone Jesus, He'll be right by your side Jesus, He'll never leave you He'll never leave you alone!โกละโกธา Imani Matumaini Mapendo Privesc în urma mea Душа искала чистоты Жүрөгүмдү арнайм, бүт баардыгын, Сага Mening Umidim Sen - Rabbim I Инди Мелек Гьоклерден ورا سورك العالي Беян едийоруз Il mondo gira
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