In the land of fadeless day Lies the city four-square; It shall never pass away, And there is no night there. God shall wipe away all tears; There's no death, no pain, nor fears; And they count not time by years; For there is no night there. All the gates of pearl are made In the city four-square; All the streets with gold are laid, And there is no night there. And the gates shall never close To the city four-square; There life's crystal river flows, And there is no night there. There they need no sunshine bright, In that city four-square; For the Lamb is all the light, And there is no night there.Dobrý SALAMO 16 msẖ hạ tfḍl kdạ ạldnyạ mwt ạbn Поклоняемся Тебе мы, исцеляясь .. Pokoj vám! Žijem! Plesajte! Ноел Йълдъзъ Йине Парлъйор Чуй, гласът Исусов вика Innalzati o Dio ربي حبيبي ليك بصلي
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