What can wash away my sin? What can make me whole again? For my pardon this I see. For my cleasing this my plea. Oh precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing, nothing, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can for sin atone, (nothing but the blood of Jesus) Naught of good that I have done (nothing but the blood of Jesus) This is all my hope and peace (nothing but the blood of Jesus) This is all my righteousness (nothing but the blood of Jesus) Nothing, nothing, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Now by this I'll overcome Now by this I'll reach my home Glory, glory, this I see (nothing but the blood of Jesus) All my praise for this I bring (nothing but the blood of Jesus) (last line 3x)HOLH IN KA CHIM KHO LO خين أوشوت Regarde, âme angoissée Иисус Ты мой Господь И я безмерно рад ربي حبيبي راعي Иди и больше не греши МӘҢГИГЕ АЛҒЫСЛАНҒАН Hochda oʻlim koʻrganga mndẖ ạlqdym fy qryẗ أنا عايش في الأرض
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