O Lord, my God, I thirst for You, I long to see your face, Just as the hunted deer is stressed I falter in the race; My heart cries out, my tears run down, I am in deep distress, 'Where is your God?' men say to me, They taunt me and oppress. Lord, when will I be helped by You, I struggle day and night? O hear my prayer, enable me to stand in your great might; I look back on those days gone by when, Lord, You were so near, when in your house with festive throng I praised your Name so dear. So why am I cast down, O Lord, and why should I feel low? You are my God, my Savior strong, Your praise from me shall flow; I think of all your works, O Lord, Your saving pow'r of old, So when beset and overwhelmed, I will your strength take hold. Your loving\kindness fills my days, Your song at night I sing, And when my fears assail again to You I'll tightly cling; My hope is fixed on God, my Rock, His own He won't forget; Be still my soul, my face will shine And I will praise Him yet.حللت قيدي سيدي Сана Бакъйорум, Раббим Poarta Tu războiul Doamne قلوب الملوك يسا بەردى جۇرەگىمە دەم Царю мій, Пане мій yạ ạ̉brʿ jmạl تعال يا رب لبلادنا بنهضة في الأعالي مجدك Есть на свете благодать
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