Lately I've been thinkin' about You And lately I've been dreamin' of You And lately I can't get You out of my head, Get You out of my head. Somethin' about the ocean Makes me rise up and praise. Somethin' about the heavens Makes me stand in awe again. Somethin' about the sunrise Reminds me of your faithfulness. Somethin' about the ocean And I'm lost in love again. I'll sing 'til I sense a smile Upon Your great and lovely face And 'til I know Your glory's in this place Your glory's in this place.Роҳе ки ба мақсуд расонад ҳамагонро เรามาเต้นรำ Hear our Praises Mai este mult străjer din noapte ạ̉kẖṭy fạ̉ftsẖ Uwielbiam Cię, błogosławię Jézus, ünnepeljük أنت هو الرب وحدك Cariñoso Salvador Хо-хо-хозана رفضت كلامك
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