Magnificent, Holy Father, I stand in awe of all I see. Of all the things You have created, and still You choose to think of me. And who am I that You should suffer Your very life to set me free? The only thing that I can give You is the life You gave to me. This is my offering, dear Lord. This is my offering to You, God. I will give You my life, for it's all I have to give, Because You gave Your life for me. I stand before You at this altar; so many have given You more. I may not have much I can offer, yet what I have is truly Yours.Od nás dávno túžený Elem Ve Keder Sarsa Her Taraftan О сакит Ҝөјлəрдəн ҝəлди белə хəбəр Менің жүрегімде Иса сөйлеп тұрсын Бютюн Кушлар Хамт Едер Դու Պետք ես Ինձ Ավելի, Քան Դա Երեկ էր ạ̉nạ mạsẖy wʿạrf ạ̹ny mʿạk Se una farfalla fossi io Любовь как музыка без слов В скромном людном зале
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