Verse More than I could hope or dream of You have poured Your favour on me One day in the house of God is better Than a thousand days in the world Chorus So blessed I can't contain it So much I've got to give it away Your love has taught me to live now You are more than enough for me Bridge Lord You're more than enough for me Lord You're more than enough for meИеміз Иса балаларды сүйеді Ježíš přišel, aby sloužil Նայիր Ինչ Տերը Գործեց În casa ta iubit prieten Madaqtaımyn, án salamyn لا لن أرى حبًّا Jézus Krisztus Úr yạ sạkn ạlsmạʾ Күнүмдүк жыргалдар kdẖbwạ
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