One small Child in a land of a thousand, One small dream of a Savior tonight, One small hand reaching out to the star light, One small city of life. Ooohhh. One king bringing his gold and riches, One king ruling an army of might, One king kneeling with incense and candle light, One King brining us life. Ooohhh. See Him lying, a cradle beneath Him; See Him smiling in the stall. See His mother praising His Father; See His tiny eyelids fall. One small light from the flame of a candle, One small light from a city of might, One small light from the stars in the endless night, One small light from a face. Ooohhh. See the shepherds kneeling before Him; See the kings on bending knee. See His mother praising His Father; See the Blessed Infant sleep. One small Child in a land of a thousand, One small dream in a people of might, One small hand reaching out to the star light, One small Savior of life. Ooohhh.Cristo es el que murió y el que resucitó Čo mi môže Satan spraviť ربي بيرعاني Jeso Tompo! Vatolampy. Vengo ai piedi della croce Herr im Glanz deiner Majestät ạkẖtbrtny ạ̹lhy Acércame a ti Alături de Tine Osanna all'altissimo
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