Verse 1 You're my D♭constant in the E♭chaFmos You're my D♭compass when the E♭road is Fmlong You're my D♭portion, never E♭faiFmling For D♭me, only E♭JesA♭us Chorus FmLet my heartD♭ want for nothiA♭ng but You,E♭ /Gjust You FmLet my heartD♭ want for nothiA♭ng but You,E♭ /Gjust You FmThe riches D♭of this world,A♭ could neverE♭ /Gsatisfy FmLet my heartD♭ want for onlyA♭ You Verse 2 You're my D♭center should I E♭wanFmder You're my D♭future and You reE♭deem my Fmpast Every D♭moment and then fE♭oreFmver For D♭me, only E♭JesA♭us For D♭me, only E♭JesA♭us Bridge For D♭me, for me, only Jesus For Fmme, for me, only Jesus For Fmme, for me, for E♭me (last time)Спас меня В веянии тихого ветра I don't want to go Pán je môj vodca Il Signore è la mia luce Genç İnsan Yolunu Nasıl Temiz Tutar Las Palmas 告别童年的梦 أنا رايح للأمجاد Соблюдая Твоё Слово мы живём
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