I have this hope as an anchor for my soul I'm sure that steadfast hope is an anchor for my soul There's no other way for a man to dwell in the presence of God there's no other way to please Him but by faith in what He's done There's only one way for me to come into a precense of divine love and it's believing that i am washed and enjoyed by You To the same measure that You love Your Son is the same way that You love me GodRəqs et مراحمك يا إلهى Me Guia El كان نفسى Байлыкъ манъа керекмей хазине керексиз Canım Rab'bi Yüceltir Súıemin Seni Isa Jezu, któż jak Ty Seigneur, fais couler Господь да будет воля Твоя
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