Praise the Lord, praise His holy Name, Praise the Lord, every day the same; Praise the Lord, praise His holy Name, Praise, Oh praise the Lord. He brought me out of bondage, Praise His Holy Name, He brought me out of bondage, Praise His Holy Name, He brought me out of bondage, Praise His Holy Name, Praise, Oh praise the Lord.Jezus Mesjasz Volám haleluja ما أحلى السجود Yesu Yana Jin Addu'a Мен учун Муқаддассан ktạbẗ klmạt trnymẗ - ạljzʾ ạlạ̉wl అద్వితీయ సత్యదేవా వందనం Кто как наш Бог? Отче, мы просим Yesu Ne Ya Yiwo Gafara
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