Bring rivers in this wasteland, clouds into the sky. Bring springs of life into the wells that have been run dry. Rise up in this city. Gather in this light. Pour down on your people Your glory and Your life. Rain. Lord, we thirst for water. Rain. We are desert land. Rain on your sons and daughters. Rain. Bring your rain again. Speak dreams into this water and vision to this land. Let oceans be divided and bring forth life again. Let the tide roll in, washing over our lives. Let your water fall again. Bring rivers in this wasteland, clouds into the sky. Bring your rain again. Let your water fall down. Bring your rain again now. (2X)آلو آلو آلو Теңирим аядыңбы жүрөгүмдү ḥkạytnạ Ангелы Мəним садиг Достум вар - чох гијмəтли Аспан бізге ашық THIANG THLARAU LAM HMUHSAKTU Танрым, Сəнсəн гəлбимин Chi è questo qdd ạ̉ttnạ
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