You're turning over tables And calling for return To our lives upon the altar The things we did at first You're clearing out the temple You're cleaning out the dirt For we are Your territory Lord we are Your Church We are Your people You are our God We are Your temple Make us holy like You are You see a holy nation A flock to consecrate A chosen generation A people called to pray So help us God to please You Where only You can see For every moment matters in eternity We are Your people You are our God We are Your temple Make us holy like You are We are Your children You've set us apart God for Your glory Make us holy like You are Mark Your people with Your presence Make us a place where You delight to dwell May we heed Your hand's correction Oh Lord our Shepherd You do all things well Your love as firm as it is tender Your law is perfect And Your judgments true As we run to resurrender You will restore what we return to You You are restoring as we yield anew If You're calling We're coming We're not walking We're running God we need resurrender We resurrenderạ̹nsạn ạ̉yạ ạ̹nsạn Tugʻildim كل من افتداه الإلـه yạ ạbny bḥbk ạ̉tẖq yạ sydy mstḥq ạlsjwd Vystačím si sám Раб Аллах'ън Исми Улу Йюджедир Grande in forza Вот город убежища там за стеной
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