Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ is in you The hope of glory In our hearts He lives! He lives! His breath is in you Arise a mighty army We arise Now is the time for us To march upon the land Into our hands He will give the ground we claim He rides in majesty To lead us into victory The world shall see That Christ is Lord God is at work in us His purpose to perform Building a kingdom Of power not of words Where things impossible By faith shall be made possible Let's give the glory To Him now. Though we are weak, His grace Is everything we need We're made of clay But this treasure is within He turns our weaknesses Into His opportunities So that the glory Goes to HimRendons grâces au Seigneur NOE ملك الملوك رب الأرباب كل العمر معاك مضمون wqt ạlmḥn Dio è qui con noi Avec des cris de joie Всі думки залишаю kuàng yě bù zài huāng liáng ميدلي ترانيم أطفال
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