Rejoice, my heart, be glad and sing, A cheerful trust maintain; For God, the Source of everything, Thy Portion shall remain. He is thy Treasure, He thy Joy, Thy Life and Light and Lord, Thy Counselor when doubts annoy, Thy Shield and great Reward. Why spend the day in blank despair, In restless thought the night? On thy Creator cast thy care; He makes thy burdens light. Did not His love and truth and pow'r Watch o'er thy childhood day? Has He not oft in threat'ning hour Turned dreaded ills away? His wisdom never plans in vain, Ne'er falters or mistakes; All that His counsels did ordain A happy ending makes. Upon thy lips, then, lay thy hand And trust His guiding love; Then like a rock thy peace shall stand Here and in heav'n above. O Lord I sing with lips and heart, Joy of my soul, to Thee: To Earth Thy knowledge I impart, As it is known to me. Thou art the Fount of grace, I know, And Spring so full and free, Whence saving health and goodness flow Each day so bounteously. For what have all that live and move Through this wide world below That does not from Thy bounteous love, O Heav'nly Father flow? Who built the lofty firmament? Who spread th'expanse of blue? By whom are to our pastures sent Refreshing rain and dew? Who warmeth us in cold and frost? Who shields us from the wind? Who orders it that oil and must We in their season find? Who is it life and health bestows? Who keeps us with His hand In golden peace, wards off war's woes From our dear native land? O Lord of this and all our store Thou art the author blest; Thou keepest watch before our door, While we securely rest. Thou feedest us from year to year, And constant dost abide; With ready help in time of fear, Thou standest at our side. He ever will with patience chide, His rod falls gently down, And all thy sins He casts aside And in the sea doth drown. When silent woe thy bosom rends, His pity sees thy grief, Supplies what to His glory tends And to thine own relief. He knows how oft a Christian weeps And why his tears now fall; And in the book His mercy keeps These things are noted all. Our deepest needs dost Thou supply, Thou giv'st what lasts for aye. Thou lead'st us to our home on high, When hence we pass away.إله الحب نجاني يسا، سۇيەم سەنى جىم۔جىت كېچە jlsẗ fy ḥḍrẗ yswʿy Сəнин өнүндə диз чөкүрəм Աստված Իմ Զորությունն է Kim yaptı çiçekleri ? Уухай Nu va fi o veste mai frumoasa ทางชีวิต
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