Rejoice not over me, O my enemy When I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness The LORD will be a light, a light to me For the LORD, my God, my salvation! In these all things we are More than conquerors through our LORD! In these all things we are More than conquerors through our LORD Christ Jesus! And we'll overcome by the blood of the Lamb And by the word of our testimony We will stay trustworthy to our LORD Jesus Christ Who was and is and is to come!Durch unverdiente Gnade ألا تعود فتحيينا Я пою поклоняюсь Ангел yạlạ bsrʿẗ ạ̉rjwk yạbny tʿạl Saňa Isa men minnetdar Қалбим Ила Сажда Қиламан دعاني الحبيب Babban Malami Ne Ya Zo da Dare
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