REST ON US Verse1 As the Spirit was moving over the water Spirit come move over us Come rest on us Come rest on us Chorus Come down Spirit when you move you make My heart pound when you fill the room You're here and I know you are moving I'm here and I know you will fill me Verse2 Fire and wind come and do it again Open up the gates let Heaven on in Come rest on us Come rest on us Bridge Holy Spirit Come rest on us You're all we want You're all we wantҚұдай - құдіретті Құдай فى وسط عتمة ليلي Свет во тьме Ty, Panie znasz mą całą drogę życia Ştii tu cine este Isus? Proclamad Juventud Redimida Якъндасън Раб Иса Shall we gather by the river? سىلەرگە قاالاپ باقىت ạlrb fy ʿlạh
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