I come to the altar, and I bow before you. You are everything my heart desires, A friend that is closer than any brother could be. I'm so amazed I can call out to you, And you hear me. Salvation has a Name. Mercy has a face. Holiness was crucified, rose to give us grace. Salvation has a Name. Mercy has a face. Jesus, our holiness, Worthy of all praise. Every moment that I come to know you, I find a new depth of love surrounding me. Deeper than oceans, higher than any mountain peak. I'm so amazed at the wonder you hold, I can hardly believe. Jesus, Father, the Maker of time, Healer, Teacher, the Maker of light, You are sustainer to every life, God, our Saviour. Salvation has a Name. Mercy has a face. Holiness was crucified, And He rose. Jesus, our holiness, Worthy of all praise. Jesus, our holiness, Worthy of all praise. Salvation has a Name. Salvation has a Name. Salvation has a Name.جاي ليك Buď, Mária, pozdravená Din ceruri Tu ai venit Мен Исони тарранум этаман Вижте Слънцето Раб, Сени Йюджелтмек اقعد معاه Wszystko Panie Ciebie chwali Хозяин добрый добродушный že svojho Syna dal!
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