Salvation, spring up from the ground. Lord, rend the heavens and come down. Seek the lost and heal the lame. Jesus, bring glory to Your name. Let all the prodigals run home. All of creation waits and groans. Lord, we've heard of Your great fame. Father, cause all to shout Your name. Stir up our hearts, O God. Open our spirits to awe who You are. Put a cry in us so deep inside That we cannot find the words we need We just weep and cry out to You.İnanırıq My Saviour Nyt kaikki on täytetty mhmạ ykwn ạldẖnb kbyr Like The Woman Открой твоё сердце Иисусу Отанинг Таалим ما أمجدك ما أعظمك Chisʋs pi̱ Shahli chia ma! Abba Padre quiero ser solo para ti
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