// Sendas Dios hará, donde piensas que no hay el obra en maneras que no podemos entender el me guiara a su lado yo estaré amor y fuerza me dará un camino hará donde no lo hay. // Si camino en la soledad me guiara y agua en el desierto encontrare la tierra pasara su palabra eterna es el hará algo nuevo hoy. God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way He will make a way By a roadway in the wilderness He'll lead me And rivers in the desert will I see Heaven and earth will fade But His word will still remain He will do something new today.Жүрөгү Ыйсанын толо мээримге Воспряньте воспойте ликуйте In The Family Әрдайым қуаныңдар Һалелуја Саһ Исаја Zúgó szél, égi vihar yào cháng cháng xǐ lè bù zhù de dǎo gào Široširý, neobsáhlý světe Binecuvântă-ne Doamne محتاج لحضورك
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