Slow down, take time "Breathe in," He said He'd reveal what's to come The thoughts in His mind always higher than mine He'll reveal all to come So take courage my heart stay steadfast my soul He's in the waiting, He's in the waiting Hold onto your hope as your triumph unfolds He's never failing, He's never failing Sing praise my soul find strength in joy Let His words lead you on Do not forget His great faithfulness He'll finish all He's begun And You who hold the stars Who call them each by name Will surely keep Your promise to me That I will rise in Your victory!Gesù dolce musica Let All the Earth Hear His Voice 正月初一的时候 ไม่มีใครเหมือนพระองค์ İsa, Səni mən sevirəm və gözləyirəm Oare nu au nici o vină kạn ly nạs Бог, исцеляй меня Sé Fuerte y Valiente سەنى ەچ كىمگە بەربەيمىن
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