Deep within There's a fire that can't be quenched A love for You as strong as death Hear us Lord The longing of our hearts is to be where You are not apart We feel You near Your presence all around us Oh Lord we want to see Your face So take us away The Spirit and the bride cry out to You Lord we cry out to You Come quickly We long for the day When we will see Your face We long to be with You Come quickly And breathe on us until You come Breathe on us until You comeyạ mn bḥḍwrh غالي عليك Як хвилі життєві мене заливають ТИ ОСИЯВАШ НОЩТА Алдарт тэнгэрт In indurarea Domnului meu Cantemos hoy con gozo Кейди ạmsk yạ rb ạ̹ydy رەب سەن مېنىڭ چوپىنىم
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