1 verse: There's a table that You've prepared for me In the presence of my enemies It's Your body and Your blood You shed for me This is how I fight my battles Pre Chorus: And I believe You've overcome And I will lift my song of Praise for what You've done Chorus: This is how I fight my battles, This is how I fight my battles This is how I fight my battles, this is how 2 verse: In the valley I know that You're with me Surely Your goodness and Your mercy follow me My weapons are Praise and Thanksgiving This is how I fight my battles Bridge: It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You Bridge: It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You It may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by You Bridge: My victories in Jesus nameBože, plný láskavosti Vrai, vrai, vrai Құдайдың тыныштығында Xoşbəxtlik Səndədir mənim İsa Səni sevirik wǒ de fù wǒ de zhǔ Glory To His Name Вдоль по древу кровь струей стекает, Хүсэн гуйн залбирсаар л байна Если изнемог в пути
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