Sweet, sweet annointing, pouring down to make me clean, like a mighty rushing stream, sweet, sweet annointing, pouring out the oil and wine all over me Just one touch, of the hand of my Jesus, dipped into the Oil of The Holy Ghost it will sooth all my fears, wipe away all my tears, it's the annointing that i need the most. And now we lift our hands unto the father, send forth rain upon this dry and thirsty land, all my sins please forgive, give me life that i might live, let me feel the touch of your annointing hand.Ким Масиҳни рад этса Моё сердце должно быть с Тобою Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear us-Brocklesbury /Evening Prayer/Nettleton-Come Thou Fount Nar den gyllne morgon God is good all the time Календарь Günah içindəydim, mənə tövbə verdin Súıemin Seni - Qudaı Áke! Dotknij mnie Presence (My Heart's Desire)
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