Take us to the river Take us there in unity to sing a song of Your salvation To win this generation for our King A song of Your forgiveness For it is with grace that river flows Take us to the river In the city of our God The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon us This is the year of the Lord The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon us This is the year of the Lord Take us to the throne room And give us ears to hear the cry of Heaven For that cry is mercy Mercy to the fallen sons of men Mercy it has triumphed Triumphed over judgement by Your blood Take us to the throne room in the city of our God Take us to the mountain Lift us in the shadow of Your hand Is this Your mighty angel Who stands astride the ocean and the land In His hand Your mercy showers O'er a dry and barren place Take us to the mountain In the city of our GodTrăit-am ani din viaţa mea Згадай Мене CACC THLUACHUAHNAK HMU KO SEH Preghiera الناس بتحب الناس О молодість моя Strigaţi toţi de bucurie către Domnul Mare مانا بۈگۈن بىز كەلدۈق За Теб на кръст пострада Ето го, на връх планински
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