Every knee shall bow down and every tongue confess Lord we praise your name were so thankful Lord of all creation, give me strength to testify Of your undying love, reveal the truth From beneath the lie Thank you lord for giving me love For giving me life in abundance Thank you for your mercy and grace As I seek you in deep reverence Thank you lord for your comforting peace In times of trouble I know youre near Thank you for the hope that lives in me From my tomorrow I shall have no fear Every knee shall bow down and every tongue confess that you are lordНiчка та радiсна зорями Il Signore è la mia forza Chisʋs pi Okchalinchi ma! Nechám sa milovať Tak Bóg umiłował Всё о чём мечтаю я Muhtacım Peter and John went to pray Кожна нація నేనే ప్రభువా నిన్నప్పగించే
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